The Bridges Partnership is the domestic abuse service within Tameside commissioned by TMBC. Jigsaw has been running a similar service since October 2013, with this new partnership expanding the service delivery.
We work collaboratively with partners across Tameside supporting the delivery of Tameside Domestic Abuse Strategy.
Jigsaw Support and partners TLC: Talk, Listen, Change and Diversity Matters North West, offer a specialist domestic abuse service, which provides an outreach for all and refuge provision for women and their children at risk. In addition, we offer dispersed properties to occasions when the refuge is not appropriate/accessible.
The Bridges Partnership team has a range of specialist workers; these include:
- Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs)
- Keyworkers
- Child Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (CHIDVAs)
IDVAs address the safety of victims at high risk of harm from partners, ex-partners or family members to secure their safety and the safety of their children. They work with their client from the point of crisis and serve as a victim’s primary point of contact. After assessing the level of risk, they discuss the range of suitable options and develop the appropriate safety plans.
Safety plans are tailored to the client’s needs; they include emergency accommodation, civil/legal protection, signposting to other agencies and court support.
A Keyworker’s role is similar to that of an IDVA; however, they work on cases where clients are considered at standard or medium risk.
Lastly, the role of the CHIDVA in Tameside is to provide support to children (age 6 – 17 years) who have been impacted by their experiences of domestic abuse, either in the family or home or in their own dating relationships. We offer 1-2-1 or group support for children and also deliver teenage relationship workshops in high schools across Tameside.
Support work is completed one-to-one, with some planned sessions around domestic abuse. Specialist workers also attend the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) daily, working alongside Greater Manchester Police, Children’s Social Care, health and education. In addition to providing more collaborative working, we triage daily high risk incidents to ensure any immediate safeguarding is completed.
Bridges also offer a wide range of specialist courses. These have been developed to increase awareness, help people identify abuse, learn about appropriate relationships and improve self-esteem.
Our Women’s Centre offers a safe, women only space where clients can access support, courses, drop ins and activities. We support women around domestic abuse, substance misuse, offending, health and wellbeing, finances, parenting, confidence/self-esteem and anger management.
Our Refuge is staffed 24/7 and women are allocated to a dedicated keyworker who will support them during their stay. The children residing in the refuge will also be supported by our specialist children’s team.